Friday, January 19, 2007

Little Miracles

We are at a crossroads in my family. I have just given birth to my second child, and am desperate to stay at home with our kids. However with the completion of law school we have acquired large amounts of debt causing this desire to be challenged. I have lost sleep and my husband is feeling the burden beyond measure. I feel for him, knowing the responsibility to bear the financial burden alone is a very trying one. My desperation caused me to cry out to God a few days ago, begging for his peace and a miracle for both me and my husband. I realized I needed to get into the word and hoped that I would find a verse that would comfort me. I actually thought before opening the Bible if only I could find that verse that says I will give you your hearts desire. I open my Bible to no specific page and continue to pray. Then I look at the Bible and start to read Psalms 20 Psalm
David Psalm
1-4 God answer you on the day you crash, The name God-of-Jacob put you out of harm's reach, Send reinforcements from Holy Hill, Dispatch from Zion fresh supplies, Exclaim over your offerings, Celebrate your sacrifices,Give you what your heart desires, Accomplish your plans.
5 When you win, we plan to raise the roof and lead the parade with our banners. May all your wishes come true!
6 That clinches it—help's coming, an answer's on the way, everything's going to work out.

I could not have written a response I wanted from God myself that was more of what I needed to hear. For the rest of the day I felt a peace. And it appears that my husband also felt a bit of peace on the situation. The next day I was still struggling to let God handle this situation, So again I prayed. I asked God to help my husband with a project that he has been working on for the last 6 months, to have some action or movement, and that day he had 15 leads versus the 1 request he had typically been getting on the same project. It just goes to show God does care about the little things in our lives and he is willing to move on our behalf. I am humbled and awed by His presence.

Sunday, July 30, 2006

it is over!

YIPPEE! Jeremy has now finished law school. He took the bar on the 26 & 27. We wont know the results until OCTOBER 13!!!!! Dear god if you really love me let him pass. I really believe he will pass however it seems so difficult it seems hardly possible anyone will pass.

Saturday, April 29, 2006

The Greatest Gift

The greatest gift my husband has ever given me is the freedom to be myself.
Thank you Jeremy.

Friday, December 09, 2005

Something to think about

Today while leaving the school after dropping my daughter off I heard a little voice say to the kindergarten teacher,"Can we talk about Jesus here?" Her teachers response was "I prefer you talk about Jesus at home."
Last I checked we were in America.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

When everyone you know is smarter than you.

My husband is in law school and is brilliant. He has to the capasity to retain information that boggles my mind. I am always impressed with the useless information he has stored & can retrieve at any opportunity. My mind just doesn't work that way. I have a wealth of information in a handful of areas. However my ability to retireve it at the right time never seems to happen. I am never seen as an expert in any field. (Except opinions- I am good at that one! This is the area I am sure my husband would love for me to be void of.) For instance Kitchens, I was once a kitchen designer so I have some knowlege of kitchen products, cabinets, fixtures, etc. However the eternal decorator will call her friend before calling me whenever she has a kitchen dilema.

I would like to say I purposely surround myself with the intellectual superior but the truth is I don't. They find me! Am I the problem that needs fixing, the wheel that needs oil, the floor that needs mopping? Not sure but it is nice to have people of mental greatness contributing to my life. It's great to know I have someone I can call on if I need a great Chesterton quote, or a boring theological thought of Hussey. Or a fact of law. Or a computer malfunction. Or a decorating dilema. Or the proper way to organize my home with an artistic flare. All of these things represent an important person in my life I can count on in the event my knowledge is limited. Thank God for the smarter public. I am so grateful.

Thursday, December 23, 2004

When you are excited

I got a new job. I will have benefits now. I will make 3 dollars more an hour. I just cant believe how amazing Grace is. I know that God provided this job fo me. I knew I was going to get this job too. I just didnt have the anxiety level that I have in the past when hoping for a job. I really felt as though it was the best place for me. It seemed it was the best fit for my skills and personality. Man I hope my intution is on target.

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Why when your boss treats you like dump....

That you still feel like dump quitting? Today I am putting in my two week notice to my current employer. I have two bosses and one treats me great the other not so great. So why do I feel bad about leaving? I guess because I really adore my great boss. And feel guilty for disliking the not so great boss so much. This not so great boss has treated me since I started as though I have no brain in my head. Yet things she needs to disclose to me she fails to do so. The great boss and I think alot alike. So we work well together. Actually it is going to be a great thing for the great boss too because now she will no longer have to listen to all the bitching. Mainly coming from me! I admit it I can't keep my mouth from moving negatively when it comes to not-so-great boss. I will be glad to get out of here but I already feel on the outside and that is a sucky place to be. When you want so much to be on the inside. Which is where I could never fully get with either boss. Oh Lord deliver me from the spining of my mind.